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Artist Statement

As I look through my viewfinder, I am often reminded that, in my mind, it is next to impossible to artistically top what already exists in the world through the creation of nature. Whether I’m stepping back to frame an expansive landscape (often excluding any trace of human existence in the process), or cropping a subject in a way to reveal forms and patterns that might have been painted by some abstract expressionist artist, or else reframing a familiar subject in a way that challenges the viewer to rediscover what it is.

Sometimes evidence of man’s presence finds its way into my work, but it is usually a surprise -- a city street overwhelmed by a snowstorm, laundry drying in a sunny clearing, or a wagon wheel succumbing to lichen and rust.  Nature is always the catalyst, destroying or enhancing, using its own innate power to make something that man has created appear more than what it is without it.​​


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